Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recipes from the Wagstaff Miscellany - 22 Chaudone of Salmone

Recipes from the Wagstaff Miscellany (Beinecke MS 163)

This manuscript is dated about 1460.

The 200 (approx.) recipes in the Wagstaff miscellany are on pages 56r through 76v.

Images of the original manuscript are freely available on the Yale University Library website.

I have done my best to provide an accurate, but readable transcription. Common abbreviations have been expanded, the letters thorn and yogh have been replaced with their modern equivalents, and some minor punctuation has been added.

Copyright © 2013 by Daniel Myers,


22.  Chaudone of Salmone
Take al the draught of a samone make hit clene as thu may do hit yne a pote and al the blode of a samone there withe boyle that tyl hit be y nowghe yne the brothe of the same fysche take hit up hew hit smalle yf hit be a femaule grynde the spaune do hit to gedyre to the brothe draw a lyoure of white bredde withe swete wyne do there to poudyre of peper & canell sett hit one the fyre stere hit whene hit boylez sesone hit up withe powdyre of gyngyre venygere salt & safferyne thu may serve hit forthe yne the stede of potage or els sause of samone.


This recipe is a clear parallel of recipe 154 in A Noble Boke off Cookry.
To mak chaudron for samone tak the draught of samon and mak it clene and put it in a pot and all the blod of the samon ther with and boile it till it be enoughe then tak it up and grind the spawn and draw a liour of bred and of whit wyne and put ther to poudere of pepper and canelle and boile it and stirr it and sesson it up with pouder of guinger venygar saffron and salt and ye may serve it furthe in sted of potage or els a sauce for samon.  [A Noble Boke off Cookry (England, 1468)]

There is also a close match in Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, and a similar recipe in Forme of Cury.
Chaudewyne. Take the Guttes of fressh Samon, and do awey the gall; and slytte hem, and caste hem in a potte, and boyle hem in water right well; And ley hem vpon a borde, and hewe hem; And then stepe brede in the same licour, And cast som of the samon broth thereto, And drawe all thorgh a streynour; and then caste the hewen guttes and the drawen brede in a potte, and a litull wyn, pouder of Canell, or saffron, And lete boyle togidre; And cast there-to pouder of peper, Vinegre, and salt; And lete hit be rennyng.  [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books (England, 1430)] 
CAWDEL OF SAMOUN C.XI. Take the guttes of Samoun and make hem clene. perboile hem a lytell. take hem up and dyce hem. slyt the white of Lekes and kerue hem smale. cole the broth and do the lekes þerinne with oile and lat it boile togyd yfere. do the Samoun icorne þerin, make a lyour of Almaundes mylke & of brede & cast þerto spices, safroun and salt, seeþ it wel. and loke þat it be not stondyng. [Forme of Cury (England, 1390)]

All of these recipes appear to be fish-day versions of a sort of stew or sauce made from the offal of swans.
Chaudoun. Take gysers, and lyuers, and hert of Swanne; and if the guttys ben fat, slyt them clence thaym, and caste them ther-to, and boile them in faire watre: and thanne take them up, and hew them smal, and thanne caste them in-to the same brothe, (but strayne hit thurgh a straynour firste); and caste ther-to poudre peper, canel, and vynegre, and salt, and lete boile. And thanne take the blode of the Swanne, and freysshe broth, and brede, and draw them thurwe a straynour, and cast ther-to; and lete boile to-gedre. And thenne take poudre of gyngere, whanne hit is al-moste y-now, and put ther-to, and serue forth with the swan.  [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books (England, 1430)]

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